Sunday 19 March 2017

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Mehr Ärger für Northern Oil und Gas Street Patrol Archive Commodities Trader war ein großer Favorit bei Hooters 182012 6:21:52 PM Missouri Regulierungsbehörden haben einen Waffenstillstand erlassen und wünschen Ordnung gegen einen Rohstoffhändler und behaupten, dass er Investoren irregeführt und ihr Geld für frivolen ausgegeben habe Persönliche Gründe, darunter ein Geschenk von 10.000 bis drei Kellnerinnen in einem Hooters Restaurant, das Lees Summit Journal berichtet. Der Missouri-Sekretär des Staats-Büros sagte, dass Richard Joseph Gumerman nicht registriert wurde, um Wertpapiere zu verkaufen, aber verlor mehr als 700.000 für Investoren seit 1990, weil er nicht bekannt hatte, dass er wenig Erfahrung im Handel von Waren hatte - und hatte damit Geld verloren. Er wird auch angeklagt, in sein Geschäftskonto zu tauchen, um die Kellnerinnen zu bezahlen und auch andere Ausgaben, einschließlich seiner Miete, ein Auto, Kleidung und Möbel zu finanzieren. Er steht jetzt vor mehr als 700.000 in Restitution, zusammen mit 75.000 in Kosten und Strafen, fügte das Journal hinzu. Deloitte Unit muss in U. S. Court auftreten 182012 6:13:51 PM Eine laufende Schlacht zwischen den feds und der in Shanghai ansässigen Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu fährt fort, mit der Firma, die in ein U. S.-Gericht geschleppt und geschrien wird. Seit Monaten berichtet Bloomberg, dass die Securities and Exchange Commission versucht hat, die Gesellschaft vor Gericht zu bringen, um mögliche Anzeichen von Betrug zu erklären, die sie in Longtop Financial Technologies in Hongkong, einem ehemaligen Kunden, gefunden haben. Das Unternehmen hat widerstanden, sagen, dass das chinesische Gesetz es nicht zulässt, die notwendigen Unterlagen aufzugeben. Nun hat ein U. S. Magistrat entschieden, dass DTT einhalten und vor Gericht erscheinen muss. Longtops American Depository Aktien wurden von der New Yorker Börse im vergangenen August notiert, sagte Bloomberg. Life Partners Holdings Inflated Facts, SEC Says 182012 6:06:57 PM Eine Texas-Firma, die Geld verkauft Aktien in Lebensversicherungspolicen, die es kauft, wird jetzt angeklagt, irreführende Investoren über die Lebenserwartung von Personen zu versichern, die unter diesen Vereinbarungen versichert sind. Life Partners Holdings, von Waco, und drei seiner Firmenbeamten wurden in einer Klage von der Securities and Exchange Commission, sagte der Fort Worth Star-Telegramm benannt. Die SEC behauptet, dass das Unternehmen 8220a unqualifizierten Arzt 8221 verwendet, um fossige Lebenserwartung Informationen zu seinen Versicherungspolicen zuzuordnen, so pumpt den Wert seiner Bestände. Das erlaubte 69-jährige Brian Pardo, CEO von Life Partners, 11,5 Millionen der Aktien zu überhöhten Preisen zu verkaufen, sagte Regulierungsbehörden. Auch in der Aktion benannt sind Unternehmensberater Scott Peden und Life Partners CEO David Martin, sagte das Star-Telegramm. Das Unternehmen bestreitet die Vorwürfe, während die Regierung zivile Strafen und Abneigung fordert, fügte die Zeitung hinzu. SEC: Predators Umzug auf Anzeigen auf Social Media Sites 162012 8:09:32 AM Der Tag musste kommen, und jetzt sein hier: Bundesregulatoren senden Warnung Ballons über Investition Betrug jetzt auf Social Media Websites geschoben, sagte die Chicago Tribune . Unter den ersten gefleckten ist der Fall von Anthony Fields, einem Anlageberater in Lyon, der von der Securities and Exchange Commission mit mehr als 500 Milliarden an betrügerischen Wertpapieren über den Linkedin-Standort belastet wird. Felder verwendet die Website, um seine Unternehmen zu schieben, und um unregistrierte Wertpapiere zu werben, sagte die Agentur. Er ist auch damit beauftragt, nicht benötigte Bücher und Aufzeichnungen zu behalten, und mit fälschlicherweise behaupten, bei der SEC registriert zu werden. Als Reaktion auf das, was es als wachsende Tendenz sieht, hat die SEC Warnungen an Investoren ausgestellt, und fügte hinzu, dass Pumpen-und-Dump-Penny-Aktien-Systeme auch begonnen haben, auf Facebook und Twitter zu erscheinen. Feb. 6 Testtermin in 14.3 Mil Montana Case 162012 8:06:42 AM Die Probe wird am 6. Februar für Keith B. Kovick stattfinden, von den Bundesbehörden geglaubt, den größten Ponzi-Schwindel in Montana-Geschichte, The Leader-Advertiser, zu orchestrieren Berichtet Er hat sich nicht verpflichtet, mehrere Zählungen von Draht und Post Betrug und Geldwäsche, nachdem angeblich verkaufen falsche Schuldscheine an Investoren für Millionen von Dollar. Staatsanwälte sagten, dass Anleger zu Unrecht glaubten, dass die Anmerkungen durch wertvolle Immobilien gesichert wurden und dass ihr erstes Jahr der Zinszahlungen sicher in der Escrow gehalten wurde. Aber es war alles ein Betrug von Kovick und einem Partner, Robert J. Congdon, durch ihre Unternehmen, Cornerstone Financial und KampB Investments begangen, sagte Ermittler. Allein, die beiden sind vermutlich 100 Investoren aus 14,3 Millionen geschworen, sagte der Leader-Advertiser. Congdon kooperiert mit Staatsanwälten und hat bereits eine Klagevereinbarung eingegangen, sagte die Zeitung. TARP-Sonde schließt in Verhaftung von Texas Resident 162012 8:03:25 AM Ein Texas Mann wird erwartet, um schuldig zu behaupten, dass er Geld von notleidenden Besitzer zu betrügerisch verzögern Bank Zwangsvollstreckungen ihrer Eigenschaften. Der Austin Staatsmann-Amerikaner sagte Frederic Alan Gladle, 53, von Lakeway, Texas, wird auf Anklage wegen des Konkursbetrugs und des verschärften Identitätsdiebstahls gehalten. Er angeblich machte 1,6 Millionen durch die Aufladung monatlichen Gebühren an Hausbesitzer am Rande der Abschottung, dann betrügerische Übertragung eines Bruchteil Anteil ihrer Eigenschaft zu unbewusst Konkurs Petenten, deren Namen wurden aus öffentlichen Aufzeichnungen erhalten. Der Konkursfall würde dann automatisch die Zwangsvollstreckung verzögern, sagte die Zeitung. Gladle, der durch eine Untersuchung durch den Inspektor General für die Troubled Asset Relief Program gefangen wurde, war in Gewahrsam wartet auf seine plea Datum, sagte der Staatsmann-Amerikaner. Rothstein Anstecknadelbuttons Der Schwanz auf Trio von Hedge-Fonds 162012 7:59:43 AM Ist er nur Lügen, oder wirklich versucht, verurteilt Ponzi-Planer und Ex-Anwalt Scott Rothstein hat wieder in Süd-Florida gesprochen, scheinbar impliziert alle außer seinem Anwaltskanzler in Ein 1,4 Milliarden Ponzi-Betrug, der ihn seit 50 Jahren ins Gefängnis geschickt hat. In einer Reihe von jüngsten Ablagerungen hat Rothstein die Schuld auf andere, zuletzt drei Hedge-Fonds, Bloomberg berichtet. Der Nachrichtendienst zitierte eine Ablagerungstranskript, in der Rothstein Beamte bei den Fonds - Platinum Partners Value Arbitrage, Centurion Structured Growth LLC und Level 3 Capital Fund - sagte, dass er den potenziellen Rothstein-Anlegern nicht mitgeteilt hätte, dass er nicht mehr Geld an die Fonds leiste. Es war nur Sorge, daß sie am Ende des Tages für uns liegen würden, 8221 Bloomberg zitierte Rothstein. Ein Sprecher für die Gelder lehnte die Vorwürfe leise ab und nannte sie genau, 8221 Bloomberg fügte hinzu. Richter: Infomercial Stars nicht haftbar in SEC Action 162012 7:56:05 AM Ein Bundesrichter in Virginia hat sich geweigert, zwei infomercial Persönlichkeiten haftbar für Verluste, die von den Verbrauchern erlitten werden, nachdem das Paar angeblich über ihren Hintergrund und Erfahrung gehabt hat, während sie die 8220Teach Me to Trade8221 System. Courthouse News sagte, dass die Securities and Exchange Commission nach Linda Woolf und David Gengler gegangen war, sagte die beiden falsch dargestellt ihre Hintergründe und Handel Erfahrungen im Fernsehen und in Seminaren. Durch ihre Corporate Alter Ego, Hands on Capital und Lashaico, verkauften die beiden ein Wertpapierhandelssystem an die Verbraucher für Beträge von 11.000 bis 40.000, die SEC angeblich, mit ihren Opfern, darunter viele Rookie und ältere Investoren. Woolf wird vermutlich 4 Millionen durch das Schema gemacht und Gengler zog in 2,25 Millionen, sagte Courthouse News. Aber an einem Punkt des Wertpapiergesetzes entschied der Bezirksgerichtshof Gerald Lee vom östlichen Bezirk von Virginia, dass die SEC nach den beiden Körperschaften gehen kann, aber nicht die Einzelpersonen selbst. Der SEC-Fall enthielt keine Vorwürfe, dass die beiden Hucker und die Unternehmen 8220 durch Interesse und Besitz vereint waren, 8221 der Nachrichtendienst zitierte den Richter als abschließend. Trailer Sales Scam endet mit 26-monat Jail Term 152012 7:35:52 AM Ohio Geschäftsmann Phillip Bell verkauft eine Menge von semi-Truck-Anhänger durch seine beiden Unternehmen, um Kunden in der ganzen Grafschaft. Es gab nur eine Störung, nach dem FBI. Bell hatte nicht wirklich die Ware, die er verkaufte. Nun ist Bell, 49, aus Miamisburg, Ohio, zu 26 Monaten im Bundesgefängnis verurteilt worden, nachdem er sich schuldig gemacht hatte, Betrug zu betrügen. Die U. S. Attorneys Office sagte Bell verkauft Sattelanhänger durch Pre-Owned Semi Trailers, Inc. und Hydraulic Trailer Sales, Inc. beide von denen er betrieben. In der Regel würde er von Kunden mit Versprechen sammeln, um den Trailer-Titel bald zu liefern. Aber die Kunden würden warten. Und warte. Und warte, mit dem Titel nie ankommen. Das ist, weil Bell nicht wirklich die Titel hatte, sagte Beamten. Neben der Gefängniszeit hat er auch befohlen, 375.000 in Restitution zu machen, sagte das FBI. Barclays ist geflogen 3 Mil für Subprime Info Fall 152012 7:32:26 AM Die Finanzindustrie Regulatory Authority hat eine 3 Millionen Geldstrafe auf Barclays Capital Inc. geschlagen, sagte das Unternehmen falsch dargestellt Delinquenz Zahlen mit Wohn-Sub-Prime-Hypothek Verbriefungen verbunden. Historische Leistung - einschließlich des Versagens von Hypothekeninhabern, Zahlungen zu leisten - müssen offen gelegt werden, wenn ähnliche Anleger an Investoren angeboten werden, sagte FINRA. Doch von März 2007 bis Dezember 2010 gab Barclays falsche Informationen aus, die ausreichen, um eine Investorenbewertung8221 der Wahrscheinlichkeit zu beeinträchtigen, dass Subprime-Wertpapiere erfolgreich sein würden, sagte FINRA. Barclays stimmte der Einreichung von FINRAs-Erkenntnissen zu, aber weder zugelassen noch die Gebühren selbst verweigert. Autos, Filme, Land Angebote: Anything But Mutual Funds 152012 7:28:40 AM Chicago-Bereich Finanzberater Steven W. Salutric war in alle Arten von Investitionen, sagte der FBI. Nur das Problem war, seine Kunden haben es nicht gewusst. Nun ist die 53-jährige Salutric mit der Ableitung von 4,26 Millionen, die für seine Kunden in Investmentfonds investiert werden soll, und das Geld ohne ihr Wissen in eine breite Palette von anderen Dingen, darunter eine Umzugsfirma, Restaurants, beauftragt , Und Immobilienentwicklungen. Das FBI sagte, dass die angeblichen Untaten durch Kundenkonten bei Salutrics Results One Financial LLC durchgeführt wurden, wo er über viele Konten verfügbare Handelsmacht hatte. Wenn er verurteilt wurde, konnte er eine maximale Haftstrafe von 20 Jahren, eine 250.000 Geldstrafe und eine obligatorische Rückgabe erhalten, sagte das FBI. Mexikanische Brokerage Scam bringt 5 Mil in Strafen 152012 7:22:19 AM Ein ehemaliger San Diego Wertpapierhändler wurde mit einem Interpositions-System, das Investoren unnötig extra Millionen kostet belastet. Die Securities and Exchange Commission kündigte die Anklage gegen Aurelio Rodriguez an und sagte, er habe mit der mexikanischen Firma InvesTrust zusammengearbeitet, um einen fremden Broker-Händler in Wertpapiergeschäfte einzutragen, die im Auftrag von Pensionskassen-Kunden gemacht wurden. Ergebnis: Die Gelder bezahlten fast 65 Millionen mehr als sonst hätte es die SEC gesagt. Rodriguez hat vereinbart, die agencys Gebühren für 1 Million zu begleichen. Sein ehemaliger U. S.-Arbeitgeber, Investment Placement Group, wird weitere 4 Millionen für die nicht ordnungsgemäße Überwachung Rodriguez, sagte die SEC. Daughter Skinned Clients, aber Gute Sorge von Mom 152012 7:19:20 AM Fair Lawn, N. J. Resident Jennifer Devine ist für die Verurteilung von 11. Januar geplant, nachdem er schuldig befohlen hat, mehr als 8 Millionen in einem Ponzi-Schema zu nehmen, berichtete Northjersey. Die Nachrichten-Website sagte Devine, 39, lief ihren Schwindel zwischen 2008 und 2010, Investitionen und vielversprechende 25 Prozent Renditen innerhalb von 30 bis 60 Tage. Aber statt Kauf und Verkauf von Elektronik und Kleidung, wie sie behauptete, machte Devine Ponzi-Stil Zahlungen an frühe Investoren mit Erlösen aus späteren, und auch blies ein Bündel auf sich selbst, sagte Northjersey. Zu ihren Extravaganzen gehörten eine Royal Caribbean Cruise und Waren, die bei High-End-Einzelhändlern gekauft wurden, darunter Gucci und Burberry, sagte Staatsanwälte. Aber die Regierung fügte hinzu, dass Devine eine pflichtbewusste Tochter war: Von ihren illegalen Gewinnen gab sie ihrer Mutter 26.000. Devine steht nun vor einer 20-jährigen Bundesgefängnisstrafe und Geldstrafen bis zu einer Million, sagte Northjersey. Le-Natures Exec erhält 15 Jahre für die Rolle im großen Scam 142012 5:59:08 AM Robert Lynn, 67, sobald der Chef-Revenue Officer von Le-Natures, eine verstorbene Pennsylvania-Abfüllfirma, wird für 15 Jahre für seine Rolle gefangen In den Firmen 684 Millionen Ponzi Schema, berichtete die Washington Post. Lynn war Vizepräsident der Latrobe, Penn. Getränk-Unternehmen, das Millionen in der Finanzierung von Investoren nach dem Aufblasen der Einnahmen Berichte in einer Regelung von ehemaligen CEO Gregory Podlucky, sagte die Post sagte. Lynn wurde verurteilt, nachdem er im vergangenen Juli verurteilt worden war, auf zehn Grabungen der Verschwörung und des Betrugs. Dennoch hatte sein Anwalt ein Maximum von 12 Jahren im Gefängnis gefragt und sagte, Lynn habe ein gewaltiges, demütiges, menschenwürdiges Leben gehabt8221 und ist zu alt für einen langen Satz, andere Pressequellen berichteten. Der Strafverfolgungsbeamte des US-Rechtsanwalts hingegen hatte einen Satz von 27 bis 33 Jahren gefordert. Podlucky wurde bereits zu 20 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, sagte die Post. Die Fälle fielen mit Okla. Fraud Case 142012 5:55:19 AM Was begann als ein Swank Oklahoma Handels-und Wohn-Komplex namens 8220Die Falls8221 hat in der Tat in Stücke gefallen, mit einem seiner Urheber gehen in Bundesgefängnis für 40 Monate. TheFBI sagte Derek Christopher Swann, 34, wurde in Oklahoma City für die Einnahme von 5 Millionen von Investoren verurteilt, so dass Ponzi Zahlungen an einige von ihnen, und Betrug Millionen mehr zu kaufen BMW Autos und zahlen Golf Kosten und andere persönliche Kosten. Wie für die Fälle, ist es nie passiert. Swanns-Partner, Giovanni Bryan Stinson, 38, ist noch zu verurteilen, sagte das FBI, aber zwei weitere kleinere Komplizen haben bereits eine Bewährung in dem Fall erhalten. Angeblich Utah Scam Artist ist es wieder, Anzug sagt 142012 5:52:19 AM Ein ehemaliger Utah Wertpapiere Betrug Angeklagter ist wieder in der Wirtschaft wieder, nach einer Zivilklage in Salt Lake City eingereicht, Courthouse News berichtet. Die Klägerin, Q-6 Associates, hat Dwight Shane Baldwin und seinen Partner Mark Staples verklagt und behauptet, dass die Männer und ihre Firma Silverleaf Acquisition Holdings 4 Millionen Aktien an Q-6 verkauften. Das Geld sollte für den Kauf von Gewerbeimmobilien verwendet werden, sagte Courthouse News, aber die Kläger sagen jetzt, dass der Deal auf falschen Darstellungen gebaut wurde. Baldwin und Staples haben einige der Aktien eingelöst, aber immer noch angeblich Q-6 1,57 Millionen verdanken. Mittlerweile plädierte Baldwin im Jahr 2010 schuldig zum Diebstahl in einem gesonderten Fall, und angeblich verbrachte viel von dem Geld, das von Q-6 auf Luxus investiert wurde, darunter ein Porsche und private Flugzeuge, sagte Courthouse News die Klage hinzugefügt. Q-6 sucht nun 5 Millionen Schadensersatz. NH Trustees Targets enthalten Christian School 142012 5:47:09 AM Ein Konkurs Treuhänder in der Financial Resources Mortgage, Inc. Fall geht nach 50 Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen - einschließlich einer christlichen Schule -, die Geld von der New Hampshire Unternehmen Ponzi Schema, berichtet Die Laconia Tägliche Sonne. Financial Resources und ein zweites Unternehmen, CLampM, waren beteiligt an der Übernahme von mehr als 20 Millionen von Investoren für angebliche Baukredite, vielversprechende Renditen so hoch wie 20 Prozent, und dann nicht liefern. Nun, ein Treuhänder ist die Einreichung von Klagen, um Geld für die Opfer des Ponzi-Schemas, das von Meredith, N. H. die Tägliche Sonne betrieben, zurückzuholen. Laconia Christian School, einer der Treuhänder Ziele, ist die Alma Mater von Scott Farah, der ehemalige Besitzer von Financial Resources Mortgage, sagte die Zeitung. Er ist jetzt 15 Jahre im Gefängnis. Der Treuhänder behauptet, dass Farahs Unternehmen illegal mehr als 50.000 an die christliche Schule übertragen, bevor er aus dem Geschäft ging, fügte die Zeitung hinzu. Toronto Broker verliert, um 25-jährigen Satz zu schlagen 142012 5:43:08 AM Ein ehemaliger Toronto-Börsenmakler hat einen vierten Versuch verloren, einen neuen Prozeß zu bekommen, nachdem er für einen langwierigen Lagermanipulationsschwindel verurteilt worden ist, laut Stockwatch. George Georgiou, der derzeit 25 Jahre für Verpflichtungen von Wertpapierrechtsverletzungen tätig ist, hatte eine neue Verhandlung mit der Begründung gesucht, dass Bundesanwälte seine Überzeugung von 2009 mit dem Zeugnis eines Zeugen mit ernsthaften psychischen, Alkohol - und Drogenproblemen gewann. Der Zeuge hatte bezeugt, dass Georgiou von 2004 bis 2008 angewiesen hatte, wie man vier rosa Blattbestände illegal manipulierte. Am Ende arbeitete der Zeuge mit dem FBI in einem Stachel zusammen, der mit georgischer Verhaftung abgeschlossen war. Nun, ein Richter hat mit georgischer Behauptung nicht einverstanden, dass sein Prozess unfair war, erklärte Stockwatch und dachte, es sei genug Beweise für seine Überzeugung. Georgiou bedient seine Zeit in einem Bundesgefängnis in Kalifornien. 74-jährige Mich. Con Man Off ins Gefängnis für 16 Jahre 132012 7:25:10 AM Ein Michigan Septuagenarian wird wahrscheinlich den Rest seines Lebens im Gefängnis verbringen, nachdem er auf 59 Zählungen von Post-Betrug verurteilt wurde, nach WKZO in Detroit . Als er in 35 Millionen mit phony Ansprüche zog, 74-jährige Edward May war eigentlich ein Corporate Shell-Spiel, racking up Glücksspiel Schulden, und Underwriting Las Vegas Business Ventures, sagte Staatsanwälte. Nachdem er sich schuldig gemacht hatte, wurde er jetzt zu 16 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, berichtete die Nachrichtenstation. Seit 1997, Staatsanwälte aufgeladen, Mai hatte die E-M Management Co. LLC und schließlich eröffnet mindestens 150 anderen LLCs. Investoren dachten, dass sie in Unternehmen kauften, die profitable Kommunikationsdienste für Top-Hotels bieten, aber es war alles ein Betrug. Die Verträge waren nicht vorhanden, und wenn sie sich schuldig machten, gab er zu, dass er das Geld auf Glücksspiel-Junkets, Öl - und Gasinvestitionen und Immobilien-Ventures verschwendet hat. Ehemaliger Bixby-Energie-Chef mit 5 Jahren für Betrug 132012 7:21:27 AM Es klang zu gut um wahr zu sein, und jetzt sagen Bundesstaatsanwälte, es war. In Minneapolis, Robert Allen Walker, von Ramsey, Minn. Wurde angeklagt für angeblich bilking Investoren von Bixby Energy Systems, ein Unternehmen, das er gründete, sagte der U. S. Attorneys Office. Walker, 69, wird belastet, um Investoren an einer Reihe von Fronten zu belügen, als er 43 Millionen von mehr als 1.800 Menschen über ein Jahrzehnt anstieg. Die Regierung sagte, dass Walker falsche Darstellungen über seine Firma gemacht habe, gelogen, wie Provisionen bezahlt würden, fälschlicherweise behauptet, ein erstes öffentliches Angebot vorzubereiten, und betrügerisch sagte Bixby ein Kohlevergasungssystem für den Markt bereit. Nun, Bixbys neue Management hat zugegeben, dass Walkers Regime betrogen Investoren aus so viel wie 7 Millionen. Walker, wenn verurteilt, Gesichter eine mögliche fünf Jahre im Gefängnis, sagte Staatsanwälte. Hedge Fund Manager Gesichter 20 Jahre für 5 Millionen Betrug 132012 7:16:53 AM Ein Philadelphia-basierte Hedge-Fonds-Manager hat sich schuldig im Bundesgericht zu einem 5 Millionen Ponzi Betrug, dass zusammengebrochen, sagte der US-Attorneys Office für den östlichen Bezirk von New York. Staatsanwälte hatten Ward Onsa angeklagt, Millionen für seinen New Century Hedge Fund zu erbitten, der vor allem aus Geld aus einzelnen Ruhestandskonten besteht. Er behauptete, dass die Investitionen aus Aktien, Optionen und Futures-Kontrakten bestehen, die hohe Gewinne zeigen würden, als der Dow Jones Industrial Average 10.748 erreichte, sagte die Regierung. Aber als der Markt dieses Niveau erreichte und dann weiter kletterte, scheiterten Onsas-Wetten und der Fonds fiel insolvent. Darüber hinaus sagte Staatsanwälte, Onsa hatte den Geld geplündert, um Geld für sich und seine Firma zu nehmen. Onsa steht nun vor einer Höchststrafe von 20 Jahren für den Wertpapierbetrug, der von 2005 bis 2010 lief, sagte Staatsanwälte. SEC verliert Insider-Fall in Potash Corp. Trading 132012 7:13:22 AM Die Securities and Exchange Commission hat einen Fall gegen einen spanischen Händler verloren, der angeklagt wurde, Insider-Informationen beim Handel von Potash Corporation von Saskatchewan Inc. zu verwenden. Reuters hat gemeldet. Ein Bundesrichter in Chicago beherrschte die Agentur nicht hinreichend beweisen, dass Luis Martin Caro Sanchez, 37, hatte einen direkten Insider-Link, wenn er Call-Optionen gehandelt, bevor Potash angekündigt, dass es das Ziel eines 38,6 Milliarden Übernahmeangebot geworden war. SEC-Ermittler hatten behauptet, dass Sanchez seine Optionen für 47.500 gekauft und machte einen 497.000 Gewinn durch den Verkauf nach der Ankündigung. Ein zweiter Angeklagter, ehemaliger Banco Santander-Analytiker Juan Jose Fernandez Garcia, hatte sich bereits mit der SEC für 625.000 in dem Fall niedergelassen, sagte Reuters. Siedlung erreicht in 08 Pantera Petroleum Bestechung 132012 7:10:20 AM Ein Vancouver-basierte Händler, Bozidar 8220Bob8221 Vukovich, hat eine Abwicklung mit der Securities and Exchange Commission für ein Pink-Blatt-System zu bestrafen Stock Broker, Stockwatch berichtet. Er und ein Mitangeklagter, Christopher Metcalf, wurden mit dem Angebot von Brokern 30 Prozent Kickbacks angeklagt, um 2 Millionen Aktien an Pantera Petroleum, Inc. zu kaufen, eine OTC-Firma, die Metcalf als Präsident diente. Metcalf hatte sich bereits vor sechs Monaten in dem Fall niedergelassen, sagte Stockwatch. Vukowitsch hat vereinbart, 262.171 in Strafen und Abneigung zu zahlen, ohne Schuld zuzulassen. Die Gebühren stammten aus einem 2008-System, um den Handelspreis von Pantera zu steigern, der nun als ESP Resources, Inc. tätig ist. Stanford Verzögerungen sind vor der Verhandlung zu beginnen am Jan. 23 12302011 6:19:10 AM Ein Bundesrichter weigerte sich, Angeklagten Betrüger Allen Stanford ein Weihnachtsgeschenk der Nachsicht zu geben, stattdessen stattdessen, dass er auf Verhandlung Jan. 23 für eine angebliche, 7 Milliarden Betrugsschema. Bloomberg berichtet, dass Stanford seit 2009 wegen der Anklage erhoben worden sei, dass er einen Ponzi durch die von seiner Bank in Antigua verkauften Einlagenzertifikate geführt habe und Tausende von Investoren betrogen habe. Zuerst wurde der Versuch verzögert, weil Stanford in einem Gefängnis gebrochen wurde und dann süchtig nach präskriptiven Betäubungsmitteln wurde. Dann, als er sich erholte, sagte der Nachrichtendienst, seine Anwälte behaupteten, er sei inkompetent, um vor Gericht zu stehen. Als das scheiterte, fragten sie, dass der Versuch bis Ende April verzögert werden sollte. Das wurde nun von Bundesrichter David Hittner in Houston verweigert, der darauf hinweist, dass Stanfords Investoren noch nicht begonnen haben, Hunderte von Millionen zurückzuholen, die sie verloren haben. 8220Dieser Fall muss ausprobiert werden, 8221 Bloomberg zitierte den Richter in einem siebenseitigen Urteil. SEC will seinen Citigroup-Fall auf Eis für jetzt setzen 12302011 6:15:52 AM Die Securities and Exchange Commission will in ihrem Streit mit einem Bundesrichter beenden, der sich weigert, die agencys-Abwicklung mit der Citigroup Inc. in einem Fall zuzulassen Das kostet Investoren Millionen. Bloomberg sagte, dass die SEC ein Bundesgericht in New York gefragt hat, um seinen Fall gegen die Citigroup festzuhalten. Die Agentur hatte vorgeschlagen, die Bank aus dem Haken für Wertpapiere Betrug mit einem 285 Millionen Siedlung nach Citigroup verkauft ein 1 Milliarde, Hypotheken-backed Securities-Paket, das fehlgeschlagen. Ohne zu sagen, Investoren, Citigroup wettete kurz auf das Paket und profitierte, wenn es zusammengebrochen. Bundesrichter Jud Rakoff hatte die SEC in dem Fall gelobt und befahl, dass die Citigroup vor Gericht steht. Nun, die SEC will, dass der Fall entgleist ist, während er das Rakoff-Urteil anspricht. Sein Befehl, dass die Citigroup-Antwort bis zum 3. Januar antwortet, sagte die SEC, 8220 droht die Kommission mit einem zusätzlichen, nicht wiedergutzumachenden Schaden, 8221 Bloomberg zitierte die Anwälte der SEC in den Gerichtsakten. Colo Developer Pleads In Property Sales Swindle 12302011 6:12:47 AM Kevin Frazier, ein Entwickler in Fort Collins, Colo hat sich im Staatsgericht schuldig befohlen, Investoren aus mehr als 1 Million zu betrügen, die sie ihm für betrügerische Projekte, The Coloradoan, gegeben haben Berichtet Frazier, 47, hatte eine 200-home-Entwicklung in Puerto Vallarta, Mexiko, und eine Multi-Gebäude-Ruhestand Gemeinde in Colorado, sagte die Zeitung, Geld von Investoren in vier Staaten. Er erteilte unbesicherte Schuldscheine an Investoren und stellte ihnen mit betrügerischen monatlichen Aussagen zur Verfügung, die die Illusion enthielten, dass sie Geld verdienten, sagte die Zeitung. Er ist mit fünf Zählungen von Wertpapierbetrug und fünf Zähler von Diebstahl aufgeladen, fügte der Coloradoan hinzu. Richter: Securities Fraud Suit To Go Against JJ 12302011 6:09:48 AM Ein Bundesrichter in New Jersey hat abgelehnt, eine Zivilklage zu behaupten, dass Johnson amp Johnson verpflichtet Wertpapiere Betrug durch nicht öffentlich enthüllt die wahren Gründe hinter Produktrückrufe, sagte Bloomberg . Ronald Monk, ein Investor, legte den Anzug an, er sei erlitten, dass er Verluste erlitten habe, weil er von JampJ, dem weltgrößten Health Products Company, Er behauptet, JampJ habe eine so genannte 8220phantom Rückruf, 8221 im Wesentlichen versteckt die Gründe, dass Produkte wurden aus dem Markt. In den letzten zwei Jahren, sagte Bloomberg, hat sich das Unternehmen an zahlreiche Marken von Schmerzmittel und anderen Produkten erinnert und unterzeichnete einen Zustimmungsbeschluss für die Regierungsaufsicht an drei seiner Produktionsstätten. Der Richter entließ Beschwerden gegen einige JampJ-Führungskräfte, erlaubte aber die Klageklage, um fortzufahren, sagte Bloomberg. Staatsanwalt noch immer nach hidden Fortschritte 12302011 6:06:49 AM Der US-Anwalt für den südlichen Bezirk von Illinois glaubt nicht, dass die Regierung hat alle seine Pfund von Fleisch aus verurteilt Ponzi Künstler Ed Moskop, und hes auf der Suche nach mehr Vermögenswerte zu ergreifen , Berichtete der Belleville News-Democrat. Der 64-jährige Moskop, ein ehemaliger Börsenmakler, wartet darauf, ins Gefängnis zu gehen, um 26 Opfer von 2,4 Millionen zu betrügen, und die einzigen Vermögensanwälte, die sich bis jetzt befinden, ist eine 300-pro-Monatsrente, die Zeitung sagte. Zuvor war Moskop geglaubt, das ganze Geld von seinen Opfern auf Parteien, Resorts, Country Clubs und Glücksspiel verbracht zu haben. Aber U. S. Rechtsanwalt Steve Wigginton sagte der Nachrichten-Demokrat er glaubt, dass Moskop andere versteckte Vermögenswerte hat, möglicherweise einschließlich Immobilien, Ferienvermietungen oder Zeit-Aktien und andere Eigenschaften, die gemeinsam mit anderen besessen werden. Wigginton sagte hes setzen eine spezielle finanzielle Asset Recovery-Team auf dem Fall. Der Staatsanwalt sagte, er werde nach dem Wert gehen. Überall, sagte die Zeitung. Plastics Exec muss insgesamt 49,5 Millionen zahlen 12292011 6:50:08 AM Ein ehemaliger New Jersey Plastik-Chef, der zuvor zum Gefängnis verurteilt wurde, muss nun auch fast 50 Millionen für das Lügen über die Aktie zahlen, die er in einem Einzelhandelsunternehmen hielt, berichtete The Associated Press . Alfred S. Teo, Vorsitzender der Sigma Plastics Group, war mit niedrigen Balling-Mengen von Aktien, die er in Musicland Stores, Corp. bezahlt hatte, so verhaftet seine Verletzung von Regeln für die Größe seiner Bestände, sagte der AP. Eine Jury fand ihn haftbar für Wertpapierbetrug Anfang dieses Jahres, und ein Bundesrichter in Newark hat nun ein endgültiges Urteil erlassen. Teo und ein Vertrauen, das er läuft, muss 49,5 Millionen in Unordnung, Zinsen und Strafen zahlen. Im Jahr 2007 wurde Teo bereits zu 30 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, sagte der AP. Dies ist nicht lustig: Eddie Murphys Ex verliert 8 Mil 12292011 6:46:26 AM Es gibt Con-Künstler und dann gibt es Con-Künstler. Aber Troy Stratos, 45, alle aber trotzt Beschreibung, nach Strafverfolgungsbehörden und Nachrichtenquellen. Nun, nach einer Lebenszeit von Globus-Trab und Millionen, die er angeblich von anderen betrogen hat, wird Stratos - ein selbstgeschriebener Unternehmer und Filmproduzent - vom FBI angeklagt, indem er die ehemalige Frau des Schauspielers Eddie Murphy von 8 Millionen betrügt hat. InvestmentNews sagte, dass das Ende für Stratos in Los Angeles kam, nachdem er für Postbetrug, Geldwäsche und Obstruktion der Gerechtigkeit angeklagt worden war. Die Regierung behauptet, dass Stratos Nicole Murphy, seinen langjährigen Freund, davon überzeugt habe, eine Scheidungssiedlung von ihrem Ex-Mann zu vertreiben und versprach, das Geld mit hohen Zinssätzen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und in Dubai zu investieren. Stratos behauptete auch angeblich Nicole Murphy in die Refinanzierung von Immobilien, die sie und ihre Mutter besaß, und leasing Luxusautos, um Käufer ihres Heimathauses in Granite Bay, Calif zu locken. Aber es gab keine Käufer und keine Investitionen, sagte die Regierung. Wenn verurteilt, steht Stratos maximale Gefängniszeit von 30 Jahren und mehr als 270.000 in Strafen. Richter sagt, dass Treuhänder nach Madoff Familie gehen kann 12292011 6:42:08 AM Ein Bundesrichter hat sich geweigert, den Appell einer Konkursgerichtentscheidung zu hören, die es einem Treuhänder erlaubt, nach Bernard Madoffs Familienangehörigen für Millionen zu gehen, berichtete die New York Post. Irving Picard, Treuhänder im Bankrott von Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, hatte Mark und Andrew Madoff verklagt, die Söhne Söhne, sowie Peter Madoff, sein Bruder und Shana Madoff Swanson, seine Nichte, in den Bemühungen, 198 Millionen zu sammeln Für die Opfer von Madoffs Ponzi Schema. In der Klage, sagte Picard die Madoffs verwendet die Investment-Firma als ihre 8220family Sparschwein, 8221 Die Post sagte. Mark Madoff begangen Selbstmord im vergangenen Jahr, aber andere Familienmitglieder hatten eine Insolvenz Gericht Entscheidung, die die Klage. Der Appell wurde jetzt von U. S. Bezirk Richter William Pauley entführt, sagte die Post. Bernard Madoff bedient 150 Jahre im Bundesgefängnis für die Durchführung des größten Ponzi-Schemas in der amerikanischen Geschichte. Rothstein: Wir haben Geld wie Zuckerstangen ausgehändigt 12292011 6:38:54 Als es zu Weihnachten kam, war der offizierte Südflorida-Anwalt Scott Rothstein der Weihnachtsmann. Nach dem Palm Beach Post. Rothstein sagte in einer kürzlichen Ablagerung, dass er 1 Million in seinem Büro hielt, um die Räder für das 1,4 Milliarden Ponzi-Schema zu halten, das er betrieb, und verkaufte Anteile an falschen Klage-Siedlungen. 8220Wir verteilten Geld, wie der Weihnachtsmann die Süßigkeitenstöcke an jemanden, der es für unsere Zwecke brauchte, aussandte, 8221 Die Post zitierte Rothstein in der Absetzung. Rothstein behauptet auch, immer wieder einen Bankbeamten bestochen zu haben, der den Betrug ins Auge blickte, an einem Punkt, der eine umhüllte mit 50.000 Geld in bar an den Mann über ein schickes Mittagessen legte. Ein Anwalt für den Bankier lachte, dass einer aus, sagte die Post, sagen, 828same con Mann, verschiedene Motivation.8221 Mellon Will Pay 1,3 Mil über 08 ARS Bid Fixing 12292011 6:35:49 AM BNY Mellon Capital Markets LLC hat vereinbart zu zahlen Eine Strafe für eine Aktion von der ehemaligen Mellon Financial Markets, die 6,7 Millionen für Investoren in Auktion Rate Securities Deals verloren, nach dem Texas State Securities Board. Mellon Financial wurde eine Einheit von BNY Mellon nach dem Vorfall aufgetreten. Behörden sagte Mellon Financial half Citizens Property Insurance Corp. von Florida Rig die Zinsen Bürger bezahlt für Auktion Rate Wertpapiere, so dass das Unternehmen hat langfristige Finanzierung in Raten in der Regel mit kürzeren Investitionen verbunden. Die Anleger nahmen es später auf das Kinn und verlierten Millionen wegen der Absprache. Im Rahmen einer neuen Zustimmungsordnung wird Mellon Capital nun 1,3 Millionen an Texas, New York und Florida zahlen, sagte der TSSB. Officials said the deal between Mellon Financial Markets and Citizens Property was exposed in 2008, when a global credit markets freeze threw auction rate securities into turmoil. Another Primary Global Figure Packs Off To Jail 12282011 6:06:51 AM A former salesman for Primary Global Research - a key corporate figure in federal insider trading prosecutions this year - has been sentenced to 30 months in federal prison, Forbes reported. James Fleishman, 42, was a player in the 8220expert network8221 scam, which matched inside corporate information from industry experts with hedge fund managers, who used the scoops to trade stocks. The tips ranged from new products to mergers and acquisitions and supply channel information. Fleishmans sentencing was preceded by that of Winifred Jiau, another Primary Global employee who provided traders with information in exchange for gifts and cash, Forbes said. She is now serving 48 months in prison. Don Chu, a third Primary Global figure, got off with no jail time after cooperating with prosecutors, Forbes added. Trading Training Could Be Costly To Defendants 12282011 6:03:43 AM A Chicago-based outfit that charged fees from people wanting to be commodities traders is now itself being charged with solicitation fraud. The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission alleges that Richard Regan and his company, Pro Trading Course, LLC, fraudulently promised to teach the commodities business to aspiring people, using impressive 8220payout charts8221 as a lure to believing they could make big bucks. The company also used misleading information about advancement opportunities available through the training program it was selling, the CFTC said. The agency is seeking repayment of money that Regan and PTC got from victims, along with civil penalties and a permanent injunction prohibiting future violations of commodity laws. Ind. Politician, Others Facing Fed Scam Charges 12282011 6:00:55 AM An Indiana federal grand jury has indicted a member of the Indianapolis City-County Council, the head of a charitable foundation, and a third man for allegedly conning 1.7 million out if a would-be investor, and blowing the money within weeks. Council member Paul Bateman, 57, faces wire fraud and money laundering charges along with Manuel Gonzalez, 53, and Michael Russell, also 53, the FBI said. Russell is head of the Russell Foundation, a religious and charitable organization devoted to poverty relief. Officials said the trio convinced an investor in 2007 to put 702,000 into a foundation enterprise, then came back again and took 1 million to fund a purported corporate bond. But the cash actually went for personal expenses, including custom-made clothing and a fleet of cars, investigators said. If convicted of multiple charges, the three men face possible decades in prison and astronomical fines. GE Funding Agrees To Pay Millions In SEC Penalties 12282011 5:57:44 AM Does your local or state government really know what its doing when your tax money is investedMaybe not, and case in point: The Securities and Exchange Commission has announced a settlement with GE Funding Capital Market Services, in which the company will pay more than 70 million for rigging hundreds of municipal bond reinvestment contracts that adversely affected governments in 44 states. In doing so, GE will pay 25 million to the SEC and another 45.3 million to individual states. Between 1999 and 2004, the SEC said, GE Funding CMS made hidden payments to bidding agents and fraudulently manipulated transactions in at least 328 municipal bond reinvestments. An SEC official said that in this case and others, the agency has 8220uncovered pervasive corrupt practices in the municipal securities reinvestment market.8221 As usual in such cases, GE agreed to the settlement 8220without admitting or denying the allegations,8221 the SEC said. Inside Trading Crackdown Crosses The Seas To China 12282011 5:53:58 AM While the U. S. Government made big gains this year with insider trading prosecutions, regulators in China are also on a campaign to reign in market corruption. Bloomberg reports that in the latest case, the China Securities Regulatory Commission arrested Ji Minbo, a vice president at Southwest Securities, charging that he used insider information to trade more than 40 stocks in a two-year period, making an illicit 3.2 million. Although Chinas securities market is only 20 years old, it is the worlds third-largest equities market, Bloomberg said, presenting plenty of opportunities for illegal activity. The chairman of the Regulatory Commission recently announced 8220zero tolerance8221 for market fraud, and those prosecuted thus far have included corporate executives, elected and appointed government officials, and fund managers, Bloomberg added. Funds Sue Deutsche Bank Over 1.6 Bil Madoff Deal 12272011 7:48:49 AM Two funds that pumped millions into Bernard Madoff accounts have now sued global financial powerhouse Deutsche Bank Securities, Courthouse News reported, claiming it has refused to honor a commitment to purchase 1.6 billion in bankruptcy claims. In Manhattan federal court, Kingate Global Fund LTD and Kingate Euro Fund LTD filed their claim that Deutsche has not honored a letter of commitment. For years, the two funds were major 8220feeder funds8221 that pumped money into Bernard Madoff Investment Securities until Madoffs massive Ponzi scheme crumbled in November 2008, Courthouse News said. The lawsuit claims that Deutsche Bank agreed in a letter of confirmation to pay the funds 66 percent - or more than 1.6 billion - of their losses in the Madoff collapse, with the money to eventually be distributed to Madoffs victims, the news service added. If Deutsche Bank doesnt come through on its end of the deal, the two funds 8220will suffer real and concrete damages,8221 Courthouse News quoted the lawsuit as saying. An answer from Deutsche Bank has not yet been filed in the action. Rothstein: All Wanted The Rock Star Lifestyle 12272011 7:45:13 AM In an ongoing series of depositions, imprisoned Florida lawyer Scott Rothstein has been giving details on how he ran a 1.4 billion Ponzi scheme, and how his law partners knew about the operation, but did nothing to stop it, The Sun-Sentinel said. Rothstein - who is already serving a 50-year prison term - has been spilling the beans on the scam that operated from his booming law practice in Fort Lauderdale, hoping to have his sentence reduced. In round one of the depositions, he said his partners, Stuart Rosenfeldt and Russell Adler, were fully aware that he was selling shares of non-existent lawsuit settlements to unwary investors. Rothstein said there was 8220a large category of people8221 who wanted to live what he called 8220the rock star or Rothstein lifestyle,8221 The Sun Sentinel said. More deposition details will be released soon. Fed Judge Upholds 54.1 Million Citigroup Payment 12272011 7:40:37 AM A federal judge in Colorado has socked it to Citigroup Global Markets Inc. upholding an arbitration award against the company for 54.1 million, InvestmentNews reported. Citigroup had appealed the award decision, even though it originally agreed to enter arbitration and avoid legal action in the first place. The arbitration grew from action brought by investors who lost 80 percent of their money through long-term municipal bonds peddled by Citigroup, InvestmentNews said. The investors said Citigroup claimed the bonds presented little risk. Citigroup rebutted that investors knew what they were getting into, and said the arbitration panel ignored legal precedents when making the award. In denying the appeal, federal Judge Christine Arguello said she found Citigroups argument 8220wholly unpersuasive,8221 InvestmentNews said. Former Fannie Mae Chief Now Faces Fraud Charges 12272011 7:36:34 AM Daniel Mudd, the disgraced former chief of Fannie Mae, has now taken a leave of absence as CEO of Fortress Investment Group as he prepares to fight securities fraud charges recently brought against him and others, CNN reported. Mudd went to Fortress in August 2009, after being ousted as CEO of Fannie Mae in September 2008, when the federal government seized control of the mortgage giant. Now Mudd, two other Fannie Mae executives, and three former Freddie Mac officials have been charged with securities violations by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC said the executives concealed their agencies exposure to the risks of substandard mortgages, a play that brought Fannie Mae to its knees. At Fortress, Mudd headed a firm with more than 43 billion in customer assets under management, CNN said. Feds Track E-Mail Chain To Find Missing MF Funds 12272011 7:33:13 AM Federal investigators are still digging to find out what happened to 1 billion in missing customer funds when derivatives broker MF Global collapsed and filed bankruptcy at the end of October. The U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is keeping a tight lip, The New York Times reported, but the newspaper cited confidential sources as saying that investigators are shedding some light by tracking a chain of in-house e-mails sent in the firms final days. One e-mail is purported to have approved sending 200 million to JPMorgan Chase, even though the funds reportedly consisted entirely of money belonging to MF customers, The Times said. When it filed bankruptcy, MF was unable to account for nearly 1 billion in customer money since then, a trustee in the bankruptcy has said the lost funds may exceed 1.2 billion. French Physician Walks On Inside Trading Charge 12232011 8:01:40 AM A French doctor has walked away with a slap-on-the-wrist sentence for taking gifts and cash in exchange for critical inside corporate information he passed along to an American physician-hedge fund manager. Bloomberg said Yves Benhamou, a liver specialist, fed stock tips to Joseph Skowron, a doctor who also ran a hedge fund at FrontPoint Partners LLC. The information allowed Skowron to made stock trades related to the suspension of trials for a Hepatitis C drug made by Human Genome Sciences, Inc. Benhamou had pleaded guilty in the case, and has now been sentenced in the U. S. to time he served after being arrested - a grand total of 24 days. A prosecutor told the judge that Benhamous cooperation 8220put the nail in the coffin8221 of the case against Skowron, who was sentenced to five years in prison, Bloomberg added. Mich. Hedge Fund Manager Pleads Guilty To Charges 12232011 7:58:32 AM Former Michigan hedge fund manager James F. Turner II has pleaded guilty to an insider trading plot that netted illegal profits of 2.5 million, Bloomberg reported. Turner, who ran Clay Capital Management LLC, made his plea in New Jersey federal court. He was accused of making illegal trades in the stock of three companies, based on insider tips he received from his brother-in-law and another man, Bloomberg said. The scam ran from 2007-2010, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Turner will be sentenced on April 16, and faces a possible maximum prison sentence of 20 years, Bloomberg said. Physician Bribery Case Ends In 23.5 Mil Fine 12232011 7:55:26 AM A lot of people walking around with pacemakers produced by Medtronic Inc. may not realize, it, but they were part of an extensive bribery scam that just resulted in a 23.5 million penalty against the Minnesota-based company. The FBI said Medtronic will pay that amount to the government for bribing doctors to install its pacemakers and defibrillators in patients, then submit false payment claims to Medicare and Medicaid. The bribes were made in the form of payments for 8220post-market studies,8221 pitched to physicians as a way to divert them from using products from Medtronic competitors. People who blew the whistle on the case will receive 3.96 million of the settlement, the feds added. The FBI did not say how many bribes the case involved, but did explain that doctors received from 1,000 to 2,000 per patient for each device they implanted. It was big money, any way you figure it. Bear Stearns Execs Tell Court Enough Is Enough 12232011 7:52:02 AM In 2009, former Bear Stearns executives Ralph Cioffi and Matthew Tannin were acquitted by a federal jury of allegedly misleading investors whose losses reached 1.6 billion, Bloomberg said. But the Securities and Exchange Commission is still going after them with a civil action, and the two Wall-Streeters are saying enough is enough. In Brooklyn federal court, they have asked Judge Fredric Block to throw out part of the SECs case, Boomberg explained. 8220The SEC has persisted in pursuing this action based on the same underlying facts8221 that didnt work in the criminal trial, lawyers for Cioffi and Tannin said in court filings. A Feb. 13 trial date is scheduled in the SEC case. A Tale Of Football, Stock, Greed, And Alleged Crime 12232011 7:46:18 AM The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged six men - including former NFL star Willie Gault, a California lawyer, and a Hollywood executive - of lying to investors as part of a pump-and-dump scheme that involved millions of dollars. Regulators say Gault, a former wide receiver for the Chicago Bears and the Los Angeles Raiders, served as a figurehead co-CEO, along with J. Rowland Perkins, of Hollywood notoriety, at Heart Tronics, a heart monitoring device company. A third accomplice, attorney Mitchell J. Stein, allegedly installed Gault in his position to wow investors, the SEC said, as the company lied about its success. When the cash rolled in, Stein and Gault diverted the proceeds and Stein made millions by secretly selling off Heart Tronics stock as the share price rose, regulators said. Three other men, including Steins chauffeur, also face civil charges in the case. Meanwhile, Stein has also been arrested on federal criminal charges, according to the SEC. An agency official said Stein, who allegedly orchestrated the scheme, 8220has been living the high life off his illicit proceeds, with multiple homes, exotic cars, and private jets.8221 Former Madoff Controller Cops Plea Faces 50 Years 12222011 7:23:39 AM The former controller for Bernard Madoffs firm has pleaded guilty to a spate of securities fraud charges, will forfeit millions, and faces a maximum sentence of 50 years in prison. Enrica Cotellessa-Pitz worked for Madoff from 1978-2008, said financialfraudlaw. She is charged with falsifying company records and statements, including those given to the Securities and Exchange Commission, to disguise illegal fund transfers. Cotellessa-Pitz is cooperating with the government in helping to bring down other suspects in the enormous Ponzi scheme and will be sentenced next June, financialfraudlaw said. She was released on a 2.5 million bond, the Web site said. Madoff is now serving a 150-year sentence. Not-Guilty Pleas Entered To OTC Bribery Charges 12222011 7:19:46 AM Giuseppe Baldassarre, the ex-president of Dolphin Digital Media Inc. and his broker, Robert Mouallem, have pleaded not guilty in New York federal court to bribing brokers, Stockwatch reported. The two are charged with offering 30 percent kickbacks to crooked brokers who would steer client accounts to buy up to 4 million worth of stock in Dolphin, a tiny company trading on the OTC exchange, Stockwatch said. The scheme was to pump Dolphins 30-cent-per-share price as high as 70 cents, prosecutors charge. Mouallems alleged job was to coordinate dumping the stock after broker purchases pushed up share prices, Stockwatch said. Both men remain free pending trial. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Face Calif. Mortgage Suit 12222011 7:16:31 AM California has sued Fannie Mae, the government-sponsored company that issues mortgage-backed securities, and Freddie Mac, the mortgage finance company, Bloomberg said. The lawsuits are part of the state attorney generals investigation into lending and foreclosure practices, the news service said. Specifically, the state wants to confirm whether prostitution and drug dealing have occurred in foreclosed homes owned by the companies, and if loan companies have illegally evicted military families, Bloomberg said. Since 2007, more than 768,000 mortgages have been foreclosed in California, and the state has already pulled out of a national effort to negotiate settlements with five major mortgage servicers. California Attorney General Kamala Harris said the settlement didnt go far enough, and would not allow enough homeowners to keep their houses, Bloomberg added. Tom Petters Execs To Pay Clawbacks Worth 8.5 Mil 12222011 7:13:01 AM Fallout continues from the Tom Petters Ponzi case in Minnesota, with a bankruptcy judge approving clawbacks that will take 8.5 million from the pockets of former Petters employees who received stupendous bonuses, the Pioneer Press reported. Petters ran an international business enterprise purportedly selling electronics to retailers, but prosecutors said investors who pumped 3.5 billion into the scheme were paying for non-existent goods. After it imploded, Petters was convicted in 2009 and sent to prison for 50 years. Many of the 42 former employees being targeted are women: A former CEO will give back 1.9 million, while another executive and the ex-human resources director will forfeit 1.86 million and 1.2 million respectively, the Pioneer Press said. Rudy Nailed By SEC For Deal That Didnt End Well 12222011 7:09:45 AM Daniel Ruettiger became famous by making only two plays in his football career with Notre Dame, sacking the opposing quarterback on one of them and being carried off the field in glory by teammates. His accomplishment led to the 1993 film, 8220Rudy,8221 and a motivational speaking career. Now, Ruettiger and 12 others are charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with deceiving investors and reaping 11 million in illicit profits, Reuters reported. The defendants are charged with making false and misleading statements to spur stock purchases in Rudy Nutrition, a now-defunct company that sold a sports drink. Reuters said most of the group agreed to pay penalties without admitting or denying guilt. Ruettigers tab: 382,866. 8220Investors were lured into a scheme by Mr. Ruettigers well-known, feel-good story, but found themselves in a situation that did not have a happy ending,8221 Reuters quoted an SEC lawyer as saying. Conn. Accountant Gets 63 Months For Fraud Charges 12212011 12:01:39 PM F. Robert LaSaracina, who ran an accounting business in Norwich, Conn. will spend 63 months in federal prison for defrauding a family trust of as much as 4.2 million, while he also cheated his own employees and scammed the IRS, The Day newspaper said. He will make 2.25 million in restitution to dozens of people, The Day added, after pleading guilty to wire and tax fraud. LaSaracina scammed the Kauppinen family while serving as a trustee, prosecutors said. In addition, he was accused of failing to pay taxes he withheld from employees of the accounting firm he ran. He was sentenced to dual terms of 63 months and 60 months, but they will run concurrently, The Day said. Feds: Forex Trader Was Actually A Big-Time Loser 12212011 11:58:46 AM Jeffrey L. Groendyke and his Michigan company, JG Forex Fund, have been ordered to pay nearly 1 million in restitution and a 420,000 penalty for running a foreign exchange trading Ponzi scheme, according to Hedge Week. The federal consent order was obtained by the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and it also bans Groendyke from future commodities trading. The CFTC had charged that Groendyke raised more than 1 million from 42 investors for Forex trades, but only traded about a third of the total and lost most of that, Hedge Week said. He also siphoned off money into a personal account and spent more than 131,000 on computers, rent, groceries, retail merchandise, and hotel bills, according to the CFTC. Sentencing Is Delayed In Marian Morgan Scam Case 12212011 11:55:57 AM A judge in Sarasota, Fla. has agreed to delay sentencing for Marian Morgan, the socialite who was convicted in September of defrauding investors of 28 million, the Herald-Tribune said. Morgan was scheduled for sentencing this week on 22 securities fraud-related counts after being convicted at trial. Her husband, John Morgan, has already seen sentenced to 10 years after pleading guilty to having investors in Morgan European Holdings wire millions to their lawyer in Denmark. A judge agreed to a delay request from Marian Morgans new lawyer, and rescheduled sentencing for Jan. 27, the newspaper said. The Herald-Tribune added that sentencing experts predict she could get a prison term as long as 25 years. Stanford To Psychologist: Im Sharp, Clearheaded 12212011 11:53:06 AM At a hearing now underway in Houston, the government is chipping away at Allen Stanfords claim that he is not competent to stand trial for allegedly operating a giant Ponzi scheme. Stanford has been treated with anxiety drugs at a North Carolina federal prison, but a psychologist who treated him there testified that he is able to assist in his defense, the Memphis Commercial Appeal reported. 8220He said, Im thinking great. Im sharp, clear-headed. He looked quite well,8221 the newspaper quoted the expert as saying. If a judge agrees, Stanford will be tried next month for allegedly cheating investors out of 7 billion through a certificates of deposit scam at his Caribbean-based bank. Agency Issues Top Ten List Of Scams To Avoid 12212011 11:49:40 AM The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has issued its annual 8220Top 108221 list of investor traps, and it mirrors the range of investment frauds we write about in this column daily. As reported by insurancenewsnet. number-one on the list of schemes to avoid is affinity fraud, where a criminal targets members of a particular group when selling a scam. Victims may be members of a religion, social or ethnic organization, or any other group where fraudsters take advantage of the trust fellow members place in them. Other top scams include commodities investments such as oil or precious metals frauds that target senior citizens 8220green schemes,8221 which use innovative energy products as bait real estate scams that offer to help people mired in mortgage trouble phony promissory notes offering sky-high returns exaggerated credentials or phony expert designations investments sold by unlicensed agents or companies and plain old deceit, where advisers sell investments completely unsuitable for the clients needs or risk tolerance. One other top scam that didnt make the list: foreign exchange trading, where investors are promised huge returns through trading in risky foreign currency markets. Longtime Friends Burned In California Loan Scheme 12202011 7:16:48 AM Mark Alan Helsing, a Southern California businessman, is going to state prison for 15 years after pleading guilty to bilking investors out of almost 7 million through a real estate-related Ponzi scheme, according to a report by the Associated Press. Helsing, 53, of Tustin, Calif. ran his scam from 2004-2007, raising money he said would be passed along to borrowers. Investors who put up the cash were promised 15 percent returns on six-month loans. In return, Helsing furnished forged deeds of trust. Interest payments would come to investors for awhile, but then the checks would start bouncing. As it happened, no loans were really made, and it was all a big Ponzi. Most of the victims were Helsings longtime friends, the AP said. Someone Will Lose From Alleged New Mexico Ponzi 12202011 7:08:04 AM Doug Vaughan, an accused Ponzi scheme operator in New Mexico, is expected to enter a guilty plea in court this week, said KOB-News 4 in Albuquerque, but that may provide cold comfort to many of those who invested with him. Vaughan, a former real estate executive, is charged with swindling victims out of 74 million through shaky investments. The scheme wrecked retirements, real estate deals, and savings accounts held by Vaughans victims, the news station said. But a guilty plea isnt likely to help the bilked investors. KOB-4 quoted a bankruptcy trustee sorting through the remains of Vaughans wreckage as saying: 8220I gather there are a lot of people out there who are out substantial sums of money. The house has been sold, the contents of the house were sold.8221 Proceeds will pay claims filed in the bankruptcy, but somebodys probably going to come up short, KOB-4 concluded. Salinas Scam To Be Costly For Young Texas Athletes 12202011 7:04:30 AM In the wake of the David Salinas scandal, the Houston Athletics Foundation could lose more than 2.2 million for non-existent bonds it bought from the now-deceased, alleged flim-flam man, reported The Houston Chronicle. Salinas, a former financial adviser who ran a youth basketball program, killed himself in July after allegations of fraud arose against him. The Securities and Exchange Commission said Salinas scammed more than 39 million from 100-plus investors before his death, The Chronicle said. After his suicide, the SEC filed a lawsuit accusing Salinas and an associate of peddling phony corporate bonds and promising investors yields up to nine percent, the newspaper said. Another loser in the tragedy is expected to be the University of Houston, which could see reductions in money it receives from the foundation to fund athletic scholarships, The Chronicle reported. Industry Eyes Are On The SEC-SIPC Legal Skirmish 12202011 7:00:39 AM Lots of eyes are locked on a looming legal battle between the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Securities Investor Protection Corp. InvestmentNews reported. The SEC is 8230 well, the SEC. The SIPC was formed by federal action, but funds itself from assessments to brokerages. Its purpose is to protect wronged investors when their brokerage firms fail. Thus far, the SIPC has refused to protect people who lost 7 billion to Allen Stanfords alleged, Caribbean-based Ponzi scheme, saying the fraud was perpetrated through certificates of deposit, not through securities held by brokerages. The industrys chief fear is that a forced payout would drain the SIPCs 1.4 billion reserve fund, leading to higher assessment costs for the brokerage industry. 8220Its killing off the small firms,8221 one industry leader told InvestmentNews. 8220Why should we be paying off for fraud8221 But theres also a political slant to the story: The SECs new lawsuit against the SIPC was filed only after a U. S. senator forced the agencys hand, demanding legal action. Unrelated Lands Seized After Ponzi Conviction 12202011 6:56:59 AM The case of James W. 8220Bill8221 Bailey, a convicted North Carolina Ponzi artist, is a cautionary tale for investors, especially those in retirement. The Asheville Citizen-Times said Bailey, who pleaded guilty early this year to running a 13 million Ponzi scheme for a decade, not only fleeced victims of the scam. Now, the government is also seizing property belonging to other investors, who purchased land through Baileys Southern Financial Services in unrelated cases. Example: The newspaper said one man used his retirement money to buy 100 acres of mountain land, and employed Baileys company to manage the deal. Now, the feds have informed the man his land is bring seized because of Baileys involvement, even though it was not connected to the Ponzi. All told, 42 people who used Baileys services are now battling the government to get back seized lands worth millions, The Citizen-Times said. 8220The government demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding8221 of the role of Baileys property dealings, 8220and the fundamental law governing criminal forfeiture,8221 the newspaper quoted lawyers for the petitioners as saying in court filings. SEC Says Utah Men Used Mormon Church For Scam 12182011 4:29:07 PM Federal regulators in Utah have sued a father-and-son team, alleging they used ties through the Mormon church to scam investors for more than 200 million in one of the states largest financial frauds in history, The Salt Lake Tribune said. Wendell A. Jacobson, 58, and his son, 33-year-old Allen R. Jacobson, are charged with using their Management Solutions, Inc. to run a Ponzi scam that most recently took 2 million from an investor in November, The Tribune said. The men used connections made through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to locate investors, promising high returns by purchasing, renovating, and flipping apartment complexes, The Tribune said. But in its lawsuit, the Securities and Exchange Commission claims the scheme was a hoax, with the Jacobsons paying early investors with money fleeced from newer ones. A lawyer for the men told the newspaper they 8220intend to vigorously defend the case,8221 The Tribune added. Goldman Offers 9.85 Mil To Victims Of Nadel Crime 12182011 4:25:46 PM A division of Goldman Sacs has offered a settlement of nearly 10 million to investors who were scammed by Arthur Nadel in his Florida-based Ponzi operation, the Gulf Coast Business Review has reported. In 2010, Nadel - a piano-playing hedge fund manager and disbarred lawyer, who was 77 at the time - was sentenced to 14 years in prison for a scheme he ran through a hedge fund, Scoop Management Co. Many trades for the fund were handled by Goldman Sacs Execution amp Clearing LP, the Business Review reported. Now, a trustee in the case has said Goldman is offering to settle with Nadels former clients for 9.85 million in a 8220good faith willingness to resolve these matters amicably,8221 the newspaper said. As his scam unraveled, Nadel became known as the 8220Mini-Madoff of Southwest Florida.8221 Can Stanford Recall His 7 Billion Alleged Ponzi 12182011 4:22:28 PM A competency hearing is set for this week in the case of Allen Stanford, the Texas millionaire who allegedly ran a 7 billion Ponzi scheme from his Antigua bank. Although his doctors say the 61-year-old Stanford has no memory of his past actions because of a savage prison attack, The Houston Chronicle said federal prosecutors arent buying the tale, and are pushing to get him on trial. In 2009, Stanford was attacked by another inmate who smashed his face into a steel pole, threw him down and repeatedly kicked him, The Chronicle said. But prosecutors are disputing medical claims of the long-term results of the injuries, saying in court filings that Stanfords claimed amnesia is 8220grossly out of proportion to expected memory loss from a head trauma,8221 the newspaper said. A judge will now determine whether Stanford is competent for trial. Guilty Plea Entered In CO2 Tech Pump Scheme 12182011 4:19:24 PM Stock promoter Robert Weidenbaum has pleaded guilty in federal court to engaging with others to pump up the stock of CO2 Tech Ltd. and will be forfeiting 360,000 he made in the ripoff, according to Stockwatch. In 2007, Weidenbaum and others made phony claims about the pollution control-device manufacturer, telling investors that Boeing was interested in CO2. Weidenbaum admitted that he conspired to boost the companys stock price and profited from selling CO2 stock when the share price rose. Charges against others are still pending meanwhile, Weidenbaum faces a possible five-year prison term and is scheduled for sentencing in Miami on Feb. 21, Stockwatch said. SEC Is Appealing Rakoff Ruling In Citigroup Case 12182011 4:16:22 PM The Securities and Exchange Commission has asked a higher court to overturn a ruling that Citigroup must stand trial for allegedly duping clients in a mortgage-backed securities investment deal that collapsed, making money for the bank but losing about 700 million for investors, Compliance Week reported. New York federal Judge Jed Rakoff had rejected the SECs proposal to let the banking giant off the hook with a 285 million settlement, in which Citigroup neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing. Regulators charged that Citigroup helped select undesirable securities for the collateralized debt obligation deal, all the while profiting by taking short positions on its own package behind the scenes. Rakoff blasted the SEC in the case and refused allow the settlement. Now, Compliance Week said, the agency is asking the U. S. Court of Appeals to overturn Rakoffs decision, maintaining that a trial would delay getting repayments for wronged investors, and saying the ruling applies a 8220new and unprecedented standard8221 in dealing with such alleged Wall Street chicanery. Vancouver Promoter Gets U. S. Pump Dump Charge 12162011 6:09:24 AM There has been a flurry of FBI undercover activity lately to nail pump-and-dump operators, and the arrest of Vancouver stock promoter Louis Dion is among the newest cases. The Vancouver Sun reported that Dion, a 61-year-old fixture on the penny stock scene in Canada, has been arrested in New York for paying secret commissions in hopes that corrupt stock brokers would peddle shares of a flimsy OTC stock to their clients. Dion allegedly paid a 26,000 bribe for shares of Signa Resources to be hustled, unaware that the go-between he used was an undercover FBI agent. The plan involved moving 273,000 shares of Signa, The Sun said. Dion is charged with conspiring to pump up Signas trading volume, trying to orchestrate trades to keep the share price rising, and paying kickbacks to brokers, who would foist the stock upon unwary clients. At last report, Dion was being held in a Brooklyn jail, The Sun said. Feds: 100 Million In Bribes Led To Indictments 12162011 6:05:59 AM An indictment issued by the U. S. Attorneys Office has revealed a business and political scam of enormous proportions, in which officials with a German conglomerate allegedly planned to grease palms to the tune of 100 million, in efforts to get a 1 billion contract. Financialfraudlaw reported that the fraud spanned years beginning in 1994, when executives and agents of Siemens AG began making bribes to land a contract to produce national identification cards for Argentina. Siemens officials spread tons of cash among Argentine government officials, the opposition party, and even candidates for office, the U. S. Department of Justice now alleges. Over time, Siemens operatives allegedly used 17 offshore shell companies to launder the money, Financialfraudlaw reported. Now, eight former Siemens associates are charged with counts including conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, wire fraud, and money laundering. Utah Mortgage Frauds Get Jail Time For 3 Partners 12162011 6:02:11 AM A former husband and wife have been sentenced in Utah for a mortgage loan scam that involved multiple properties and has already sent a third person to prison, the U. S. Department of Justice said. Christopher Ethington, 36, will go to prison for 37 months, while his ex-wife, 34-year-old Janet Ethington, will serve 30 days in a county jail followed by five years of probation, the government said. Their former co-conspirator, James Merrill Roberts, 42, is already serving a 37-month sentence. Prosecutors said that through Amerifinance Group, the three recruited straw buyers, lied to mortgage lenders, and falsified documents to get loans on residential properties. Eventually, the properties all went into foreclosure or short-sales when mortgage payments werent made. To nail the case, federal investigators focused on 18 separate property deals, but the scam actually involved a 8220significantly larger set of transactions,8221 the government said. Insider Trading Partners Considered Burning Cash 12162011 5:59:07 AM Attorney Matthew Kluger, the third member of an insider trading trio, has pleaded guilty in New Jersey to four securities fraud-related charges - three of which carry maximum sentences of 20 years each, reported The Asbury Park Press. Klugers two co-conspirators, Garret Bauer and Kenneth Robinson, have also pleaded guilty. The three made millions through trading stocks on insider tips that Kluger gained through working at various law firms, prosecutors said. One deal alone, Oracles acquisition of Sun Microsystems, made them 11 million, The Park Press said. At one point, the newspaper added, the three were so awash in illegal profits that they contemplated burning 175,000 in cash, to keep from getting caught. Senate Committee Passes New Insider Trading Ban 12162011 5:55:47 AM A U. S. Senate committee has acted quickly in approving a bill that would make it illegal for members of Congress to profit through insider trading with knowledge they gain on the job, Newsday reported. On a 7-2 vote, the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs whisked through the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge act, which combined twp separate bills. The new bill - which still must go to the Senate floor after New Year - bars insider trading by members of Congress, their staffs and families, Newsday said. In addition, lawmakers would be required to report their stock trades monthly. The bill was born after 8220Sixty Minutes8221 blew the whistle on some members of Congress who have profited by trading with privileged information on pending contracts, federal product approvals, or other market-moving tips. The House has a similar version of the STOCK act, but it was derailed in committee by Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican, Newsday said. Indiana Adviser To Plea In 7 Million Ponzi Case 12152011 7:03:26 AM Keenan Hauke, an Indiana financial adviser who advanced his career by appearing on television and in a local business journal, has admitted to stealing more than 7 million from investors in an elaborate Ponzi game, the Indianapolis Star said. Through his companies, Samex Capital Partners and Samex Capital Advisors, Hauke took amounts ranging from 58 to 407,000 in his scam, but federal prosecutors said most investor losses averaged from 50,000 to 150,000, The Star reported. Hauke often used gold and silver coins to pay for legal fees and other expenses, and a court has already frozen his assets, including a 400,000 condominium in Barbados, the newspaper said. His victims included people who invested money they moved from retirement accounts and college funds, The Star added. Under a plea agreement, prosecutors are recommending between 14 and 17 189 years in prison for Hauke, but no one knows how much money is left to make restitution, The Star added. Illinois Adviser Gets 20 Years In Long Ponzi 12152011 6:59:55 AM It was not a particularly novel scheme, but it worked well enough for Illinois financial adviser Edward Moskop for 19 years, KSDK-TV reported. Now, after taking more than 2.4 million from 26 victims in a Ponzi scheme, Moskop is going to jail. The Bellville, Ill. man has been sentenced to 20 years for mail fraud and another 10 years, to be served concurrently, for money laundering. In addition, he will pay his victims 1.49 million in restitution, KSDK said. From 1991 to 2010, Moskop, 64, took money from family members, friends, and other investors, promising to make profits for their retirement. But instead he kept the cash for himself, creating phony statements that showed non-existent gains and interest, prosecutors said. Moskop had entered a guilty plea last August, according to KSDK. Rothstein Spilling Beans On His 1.2 Billion Scam 12152011 6:57:07 AM Disbarred Florida lawyer and Ponzi scheme impresario Scott Rothstein has been a Chatty Cathy in recent days, giving closed-door depositions and spilling the beans on details of the 1.2 billion fraud that sent him to prison for 50 years. Rothstein was convicted for selling shares in non-existent lawsuit settlements now, National Public Radio News said, hes believed to be giving more details on how the scam was built and who was involved. A judge has agreed to release transcripts of the depositions to the media eight days after Dec. 23, when they are expected to be completed. Otherwise, the public would not have learned of their contents until late this month or in January, NPR added. Top SEC Inside Cop Now Getting Heat Of His Own 12152011 6:54:06 AM The inspector general of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who is said to have sparked fear and loathing inside the agency, is now speaking out in his own defense, Bloomberg reported. H. David Kotz, the SECs top inside investigator for four years, has been critical of the agency, primarily for fumbling red flags in the giant Bernard Madoff Ponzi scam. Now, Bloomberg said, he recently caused consternation by giving a taped interview to a financial adviser who used it on the Internet and the radio to solicit investors for a 8220crash-proof8221 retirement plan. Furthermore, the adviser, Phillip Cannella III, gave Kotz three tickets to a sold-out football game between the Philadelphia Eagles and the New York Giants, Bloomberg said. Kotz acknowledged accepting the tickets, but told the news service he paid Cannella 285 for them a few days after the game. Cannella is said to have paid 95 each for the tickets, but an Eagles spokesman said the team valued the seats at 240 apiece, Bloomberg said. In an e-mail to Bloomberg, Kotz responded that 8220none of my actions were inappropriate or improper,8221 the news service added. Convicted Trader To Pay 1.6 Mil In SEC Charges 12152011 6:50:57 AM In a deal made with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Zvi Goffer, the imprisoned former hedge fund trader, will be paying 1.6 million in dual civil case charges for insider trading, Reuters said. Goffer agreed to forfeit more than 1 million in illegal gains and also pay interest of more than 231,000 for one case. In the second, he will give up more than 265,000 and pay nearly 60,000 in interest, Reuters said. Both settlements have been approved by federal judges in New York. In his heyday, Goffer was known as 8220Octopussy8221 because he had so many sources of insider information on pending corporate developments that would affect stock prices. Last June, Goffer was convicted of securities fraud and conspiracy and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He also received a 10 million criminal penalty, Reuters said. A Web-Based Forex Scam May Lead To 30-Year Term 12142011 10:50:25 AM When he is sentenced in a Nevada federal court next week, Lewistown, Mont. resident Richard Young faces up to 30 years in prison for running an Internet-based foreign exchange trading scam, the Associated Press reported. Earlier this year, a jury convicted Young, 51, after a 13-day trial on counts of mail, wire, and securities fraud, as well as money laundering. The U. S. Attorneys Office for the District of Nevada charged that Young and a partner used the Web-based Global One Group LLC to sell training sessions to investors on foreign exchange trading, and to take investment money, claiming a 95 percent success rate in FOREX trades. They fleeced 1,700 investors out of 16 million, the AP reported. Federal officials have already seized a Young bank account holding 500,000, as well as a towing company and four houses the convicted swindler owned in Montana, officials said. Penny Stock Promoter Is Feeling Wrath Of The SEC 12142011 10:47:19 AM Federal regulators are going after penny stock promoter Geoffrey Eiten and his National Financial Communications Corp. claiming they have issued glowing stock reports that turned out to be false, or at best, exaggerated, Stockwatch reported. Eiten, a former stock broker who bills himself as 8220Americas Leading Micro-Cap Stock Picker,8221 publishes the official-sounding OTC Special Situations Report, Stockwatch said. But in actuality, the SEC alleges, he promotes the stocks of companies that pay good money to be pumped up in his reports, and has also bought the stocks himself before his positive reports were issued. Stockwatch cited the case of Nexaira Wireless, which Eiten allegedly promoted as having developed the worlds fastest router, also claiming Nexaira received revenue from larger, well-known wireless companies. Not true, the SEC alleges. The agency is now suing Eiten through a civil fraud action, Stockwatch said. Feds: Glaxo Subsidiary Cheated Its Own Workers 12142011 10:43:48 AM The Securities and Exchange Commission is alleging that a subsidiary of pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline cheated its own employees and other shareholders when it bought back their company stock at prices far lower than actual value. At the time, Florida-based Stiefel Laboratories, which was the worlds largest private maker of dermatology products, had not yet been acquired by GlaxoSmith, the SEC said. Beginning in 2006, Stiefel engaged in a buy-back plan of its stock, but neglected to tell employees and other shareholders that it was paying less than the stock was worth. Five private equity firms had already offered to buy the preferred stock at levels as high as 200 percent above what company CEO Charles Stiefel was paying his own employees, regulators alleged. Result: Stiefel shareholders who sold out lost more than 110 million, the SEC charges. The agency is seeking injunctive relief, penalties, and disgorgement, and wants to ban Charles Stiefel from serving as a corporate officer or director. SEC Seeks Punishment In Alternative Green Scheme 12142011 10:40:21 AM The principals of a Long Island company and several other people have been charged with illegally creating back-dated documents to allow the sale of free-trading shares in Alternative Green Technologies, reported the Long Island Business News. The publication said Mitchell Segal, the companys CEO, and his partner, Howard Borg, submitted the phony documents to a lawyer and a transfer agent, who concluded that free-trading shares of the companys stock could be legally issued. Through a subsidiary, Alternative Green manufactures insulated concrete construction forms. Three stock promoters are also charged in the case, the Business News said. The SEC is seeking varied punishments against the defendants, including injunctions, disgorgement, and penny stock bans, the newspaper added. Chicago Trader Fined In Naked Short Sales Case 12142011 10:37:11 AM An options trader in the Chicago area has been suspended from market activity and will pay more than 2 million for failing to actually deliver shares of stock he promised in short-sale transactions. Gary S. Bell neither admitted nor denied wrongdoing in the case, but the Securities and Exchange Commission said he made at least 1.5 million by loaning 8220hard-to-borrow8221 stocks to broker-dealers for short sales. However, the SEC said, the stocks Bell provided were not really available for delivery, thus making short sales based on the securities 8220naked8221 and illegal, the SEC said. Bell will pay 1.5 million in disgorgement and more than 586,000 in penalties and interest, regulators said. He also is essentially banned from market activity for nine months. Houston Man Charged With Running 72 Million Scam 12132011 7:46:47 AM A Houston lawyer and investment manager has been charged with ripping off clients in a scam that reached 72 million proportions, according to the U. S. Department of Justice. Robert J. Andres, 60, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Utah for his operation of Winsome Investment Trust, which he served as sole manager, trustee, and attorney, officials said. He is charged with lying about Winsomes assets and allocations, and with issuing phony balance sheets. Prosecutors charge that between 2005 and 2007, Andres raised more than 39 million from investors. Then from 2007 until last January, he raised another 32 million, using some of that money to make 8220profit payments8221 to earlier investors, the Justice Department said. In fact, the government said, the profits were fictitious, and Andres also skimmed off 2.2 million for his own living expenses and hotel bills. He now faces five counts of wire fraud. Golden Goose Laid Eggs That Cost Months In Jail 12132011 7:43:45 AM For Jamil Bouchareb and Daniel Corbin, it was a pretty good gig while it lasted: The two day traders made hundreds of thousands in the stock market and never had to leave the comfort of their Miami Beach homes, Courthouse News reported. But now they have been sentenced to respective jail terms of 30 months and six months, after pleading guilty to insider trading-related charges, the news service said. As it happens, they were getting insider information from a third man. Matthew Devlin funneled tips received from his talkative wife, who worked for an international communications firm that handled mergers and acquisitions. Devlin has also pleaded guilty to conspiracy and securities fraud, Courthouse News said, while in addition to serving jail time, Bouchareb and Corbin will also forfeit 1.5 million and 1 million. The news service added that the men referred to Devlins wife as 8220the golden goose.8221 Alleged Dolphin Digital Bribery Cases Are Filed 12132011 7:40:22 AM Civil enforcement and criminal charges have been filed against two men alleged to have bribed stock brokers with 30 percent kickbacks, if they would help sell off 4 million worth of penny stock shares. One of the defendants, Malcom Stockdale, 66, lives on Eastern Canadas Prince Edward Island, Stockwatch said, while the other, 53-year-old Guiseppe Pino Baldassarre, is a Canadian residing in Florida. The plan for both defendants allegedly was to get rid of all their stock in Dolphin Digital Media, an OTC-traded company that makes security software and other products. During their first transaction in 2010, Stockwatch said, Baldassarre allegedly paid an 11,440 bribe to sell 105,000 shares of Dolphin. Both men have now been charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission and New York prosecutors. A third accomplice, Boca Raton, Fla. broker Robert Mouallem, has also been charged, Stockwatch said. Claims Of Big Money End With Calif. Man Indicted 12132011 7:37:08 AM A federal indictment charges a former California stock trader with wire fraud and tax evasion, after he allegedly raised more than 25 million by lying to investors, the U. S. Department of Justice said. Robert L. Holloway, 54, of San Diego, faces charges stemming from his operation of U. S. Ventures LC, founded in 1999. Prosecutors charge that he raised money by telling investors the company used profitable proprietary trading software, had 32 million-plus under management, and generated returns of eight percent each trading day. But the government claims Holloway actually filed phony return statements with investors, blew their cash for personal expenses, and suffered more than 10 million in trading losses between October 2005 and April 2007 alone. He now faces a maximum sentence of 20 years for wire fraud, plus a 250,000 fine for each of four counts. The tax evasion charge could bring three years behind bars and a 100,000 fine, the Justice Department said. SEC Wants 4.5 Million For 2005 Pump-And-Dump 12132011 7:32:38 AM The Securities and Exchange Commission wants its money from two Canadian stock promoters who profited from a pink-slip pump-and-dump back in 2003, Stockwatch reported. The SEC had accused William Todd Peever and Phillip Curtis of manipulating shares of SHEP Technologies, Inc. which they said had developed a new type of anti-lock brakes. The two paid for favorable coverage by four tout sheets, then made 3.1 million by dumping three million shares in the market. In 2008, Peever and Curtis became the targets of penny stock bans by the SEC, and were charged 2.9 million in disgorgement and 1.6 million interest. Problem is, the money never came. Now, the SEC is asking the Supreme Court of British Columbia to enforce the court-ordered penalty, which was issued in New York, Stockwatch said. Feds: L. A. Radio Host Ran 20 Mil Ponzi For 5 Years 12112011 1:04:56 PM Fifty four-year-old John Farahi, a former Los Angeles radio financial talk show host, has been indicted and charged with running a five-year Ponzi scheme that ripped off investors for 20 million, according to a report from The Los Angeles Times. Aside from dispensing financial advice and managing client money at his New Point Financial Services, Farahi spent eight years hosting 8220Economy Today,8221 a Persian-language program on KIRN-AM 670 in L. A. The Times said. That apparently did not keep him busy enough: A federal indictment charges that he also collected millions from investors, promising to put their money into corporate bonds insured by the Troubled Asset Relief Program, The Times said. But prosecutors say it was just a Ponzi, with Farahi using client money to cover personal expenses and make payments to early investors, while he lost millions on risky options trades. His lawyer, David Tamman, has also been indicted and charged with helping Farahi obstruct an investigation into the alleged fraud, The Times added. Broker Pleads Guilty To 37 Million Insider Scam 12112011 1:01:19 PM New York stock broker Garrett Bauer has admitted to an insider trading scam that ran for more than 15 years and made in excess of 37 million for its participants, Reuters said. Bauer, 44, pleaded guilty in New Jersey federal court to making trades on more than 30 corporate transactions, based on advance information he got indirectly from Matthew Kluger, a mergers and acquisitions attorney who allegedly filched the information from various law firms where he worked, Reuters said. Kluger was charged with passing the tips along to a third man, Kenneth Robinson, who then allegedly relayed them to Bauer, the news service said. Although it was a three-way deal, Bauer reaped most of the illegal benefits: Robinson is said to have made about 875,000, while lawyer Kluger, the fountain of information, is charged with receiving 500,000, Reuters said. Bauer is set for sentencing in March and will also forfeit 23 million in assets, including a home in Florida and a New York condo, Reuters added. Chinese Are Charged With Illegally Making 2.7 Mil 12112011 12:58:11 PM Four Chinese citizens and a Chinese-based company have been charged with insider trading that allegedly brought 2.7 million in profits, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced. The SEC also obtained an assets freeze against the defendants, who are charged with trading on insider information concerning the merger of Beijing-based Global Education and Technology-Group, LTD, and Pearson plc, of the United Kingdom. A merger of the two education companies was announced in November. The SEC said the defendants bought American Depository shares of Global Education during the two weeks before the announcement, then dumped them after the merger was made known. A Chinese company, All You Know Holdings, has also been charged, along with defendants identified as Sha Chen, Song Li, Lili Wang and Zhi Yao, the SEC said. New Zealand Officials Reveal 1.7 Bil Fraud 12112011 12:55:07 PM The Serious Fraud Office in New Zealand has filed charges against five people in what it described as a 1.7 billion fraud revolving around South Canterbury Finance, which went into receivership last August, The National Business Review reported. Details were slim, but the SFO said charges include theft, obtaining by deception, false accounting, and making false statements. NBR said the government has not yet named those charged. South Canterbury was largely owned by Allan Hubbard, 83, who died in a car accident in September. At the time, Hubbard was facing 50 fraud charges stemming from other business activities, NBR said. The new charges resulted from a 14-month-long investigation, the Review added. Insider Trading Bill Is Stopped In Its Tracks 12112011 12:52:07 PM A bill that would make it illegal for members of Congress to conduct insider trading - the same law that already applies to the rest of America - was gaining steam, but has now been stopped cold in its tracks. Rep. Tim Waltz, of Minnesota, had found bipartisan support from about 200 other members for the STOCK Act (Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge), but now faces an obstacle thrown up by Alabama Rep. Spencer Bachus, Minnesota Public Radio reported. Bachus, who chairs the House Financial Services Committee, had promised a hearing on the bill before it headed for a vote on the house floor. But he then issued a surprise press release, announcing the hearing was 8220indefinitely8221 postponed, MPR reported. The issue followed a recent report by 822060 Minutes,8221 blowing the whistle on members of Congress who have used privileged information they gained on the job to make money by trading stocks. And its currently legal, because of a loophole in securities laws. Bachus was among lawmakers mentioned in the 822060 Minutes8221 report, MPR said. Trustee Says Accountants Blew It In A Giant Ponzi 1292011 10:48:07 AM In Washington State, accounting firm Moss Adams has been sued for 150 million, on claims the firm failed to detect fraud that led to the collapse of a group of mortgage investment funds. Moss Adams had issued 8220negligent8221 audits of the Meridian funds, The Seattle Times said, overlooking a Ponzi scheme run by Frederick Darren Berg, founder of Meridian. The results, the newspaper said, included 280 million lost by 750 investors, and the collapse of the funds in 2010. Berg later pleaded guilty to using the funds as a Ponzi scheme that paid for a 45 million bus company, an 11 million island mansion, yachts, jets, and other toys. The lawsuit was filed by a bankruptcy trustee in the Meridian case. The accounting firm had no comment, The Times added. Former Food Service Exec To Serve Three Years-Plus 1292011 10:44:54 AM A former marketing chief for Ahold NV, a Dutch food services company, has been sentenced in New York federal court to three years and 10 months in prison for engineering a scheme to grossly inflate financial results, thus enriching himself and others with whopping year-end bonuses, Bloomberg reported. Mark Kaiser pleaded guilty last August to securities fraud, admitting that he represented promotional rebates his company received as actual income. That pumped up the bottom line by 800 million from 2000 to 2003, resulting in 8220substantial year-end bonuses,8221 prosecutors alleged. Kaiser was originally convicted in 2010, but an appeals court threw out that conviction because improper evidence had been admitted in the trial, Bloomberg said. Ernst Young Is Sued For 900 Mil Over M-Vest Mess 1292011 10:41:11 AM Another massive lawsuit has been filed in the Bernard Madoff aftermath, this one against accounting firm Ernst amp Young, Bloomberg reported. The 900 million legal action was filed in New York State Supreme Court by liquidators of M-Vest Ltd. a now-defunct feeder fund that channeled money into Madoffs investment company. Though wording of the lawsuit was lacking in details of the allegations against Ernst amp Young, the action centers around the firms audits of M-Vests financial statements from the years 2003-2007, Bloomberg said. The news service said M-Vest was a Cayman Islands company established to funnel investments to Madoff, who is now serving 150 years in prison for operating a long-running Ponzi scheme. Senator Calls For SEC To File Stanford Case Suit 1292011 10:38:09 AM A U. S. senator has called for the Securities and Exchange Commission to file suit against the Securities Investor Protection Corp. which he said has failed to take action on behalf of Allen Stanfords Ponzi scheme victims. Reuters said Sen. David Vitter, of Louisiana, asked for the legal action as a member of the Senate Banking Committee. The SEC has already sought action by the SIPC, which handles claims for investors when their brokerages have failed, but nothing has happened. The 61-year-old Stanford was arrested in 2009 for allegedly operating a scheme involving 7 billion in certificates of deposit sold through his bank in Antigua, Reuters said. He has yet to stand trial. N. Y. Accountant Gets 5 Years For Pipeline Ponzi 1292011 10:35:10 AM A New York accountant is going to prison after admitting to stealing the better part of 2 million from a group of investors, Courthouse News reported. Laurence M. Brown, who had an accounting firm in Westchester County, N. Y. was accused of selling investments in a non-functioning gas pipeline, then using the money for personal expenses, prosecutors said. More than 136,000 was also used to make Ponzi payments to early investors, Courthouse News added. Brown, 64, had pleaded guilty in September and has now been sentenced in Manhattan to five years in federal prison, the news service said. Rjaratnam Gone At Last To The Fed Lockup 1282011 6:44:31 AM There will be no million-dollar bail or house arrest in his Manhattan luxury condominium for Raj Rajaratnam, according to the Los Angeles Times. The once-powerful hedge fund trader and billionaire reported this week to a federal prison and medical facility west of Boston, where he will serve an 11-year sentence, The Times said. Rajaratnam, 54, was convicted on charges that he made more than 70 million by trading stocks with insider information for six years. He became the biggest fish pulled in by the FBI during an investigation that ultimately netted more than 24 convictions. After his conviction, Rajaratnams lawyers tried a last-minute dodge, seeking bond for their client while he filed an appeal. That was rejected by a three-judge panel last week, The Times said. B of A To Pay 315 Mil To Settle Investor Suit 1282011 6:39:36 AM Without admitting wrongdoing, Bank of America agreed to end a lawsuit by paying a 315 million settlement to investors who said they were duped into buying toxic mortgage-backed securities, even as the nation was sliding into the housing crisis in 2006 and 2007. Reuters said plaintiffs in the suit, led by a Mississippi public employees pension fund, said Merrill Lynch - now a unit of B of A - misled them about the risks of buying into 18 mortgage-backed securities offerings that crumbled. Damages to pensioners and other investors could total billions, the plaintiffs said. Charlotte, N. C.-based Bank of America had no comment on the settlement, Reuters said.

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